Indian head massage focuses on your head, neck and shoulders to stimulates the flow of blood, lymph and oxygen in your upper body, and therefore may clear your sinuses, migraine, reduce headache, relieve stress and help you sleep better. This massage will be done with pure coconut warm oil to improve hair and scalp conditions (*It can be done without oil as well).
Add On: Hot Steam (5 minutes: $15)
Warm Coconut oil / sesame oil drops placed in the ears to reduce dryness or itchy in the ears, to prevent ear infections, to relieve headaches, migraines or sinuses. Recommend with Indian head massage.
Coconut oil contains Lauric acid that can treat mild infections in ear and prevent the spread of bacteria.
Sesame oil gives nourishing, anti-microbial and moisturising effects.
Ear oiling is beneficial for children too.
*Note: Severe or prolonged ear infections should always be seen by doctors, but a mild earache can be eased by ear oiling treatment.
When you steam your hair, it cause the hair follicle to open up, which increases the absorption of nutrients present in the oil. It also helps in restoring the moisture of your hair, reduce hair fall and improves the shine and texture of your hair naturally. Treat your hair with a hot oil massage and steam once or twice a week to prevent hair fall.